Die Fechtabteilung im SSV wurde am 25.5.1979 von Peter Klewitz und Günter Straßmeir gegründet. Seit der Gründung nehmen die Fechterinnen und Fechter regelmäßig an regionalen, überregionalen und internationalen Turnieren teil. Die Erfolge können sich im Vergleich zu anderen Vereinen, die einen professionellen Leistungssport betreiben, sehen lassen. Die Schrobenhausener Fechter fechten aktuell in den Waffen Florett und Säbel.
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partnership with the Wolverhampton Fencing Club since 1997...
The links between the SSV Schrobenhausen and the Wolverhampton Fencing Club were established back in 1995, when Andreas Reichel spent a year as an assistant teacher in Wolverhampton, just a few miles from Schrobenhausen's twin town Bridgnorth. The Bavarian fencer joined the club an immediately felt at home among his English fellow sportsmen. When he had to leave for good in summer 1996, he invited his friends over to Schrobenhausen for the "1997 Asparagus Championships", a well-known fencing tournament. And in fact, in May 1997 a group of sportsmen (and -women) from Wolverhampton spent four days in Schrobenhausen.
The following year fifteen Schrobenhausen fencers were delighted to accept the invitation to pay a return visit to the West Midlands. It was a great honour for us to take part in the WFC's 50th Anniversary celebrations in August 1998. During that visit it became obvious that we became more than friends: brothers and sisters in arms seems a more appropriate relationship. In September 1999 it was our English friends' turn to come back to Schrobenhausen to be the special guests at our 20th anniversary party. And everyone over here is looking forward to seeing our mates again in September 2000, when we will board a plane to England for our "millenium visit"... However, 1999 was also a very sad year for fencers both in Wolverhampton and Schrobenhausen, as Bill Anderson, WFC club secretary and fencing enthusiast unexpectedly passed away. We are still deeply shocked and remain lost for words about the loss of a very special friend and will always honour the memory of our brother in arms ... Nevertheless fencers in Schrobenhausen and Wolverhampton hope that this extraordinary friendship between their clubs will go on for a long long time.